Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Good News & SPLINT is OFF!!

Yesterday the pediatric oncologist called to let us know that the margins around the surgery sight came back negative. YEAH...that means Andrew is hopefully CANCER FREE. They will do a bone scan in the next couple weeks and the monitor him closely. We were very excited about the news!! Praise the Lord!!!

Today Andrew got his splint off...wow, it was one of the hardest days yet for me. We had no idea what to expect, but when they removed the splint we were very surprised. Poor Andrew caught a glimpse of the surgery sight and turned green. When I looked at it, I was very sick to my stomach and actually had to leave the room. Thankfully Andy was there to take over for me. The sight where they did the surgery is going to take a lot of healing. Without being too graphic...it looks like something took a bite out of his leg. It sounds like it will always be kind of dented in and it will take 3-4 years to really heal and make the skin look normal. Although we are so happy with our good news, we are scared and anxious for this process. Andrew was very scared and emotional this evening over his knee. Our prayer is that we can say the right words to help Andrew deal with how his leg looks. It will stay wrapped for a while, but eventually he will have to work on not having it wrapped. Our adventure continues!!

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